Things You May Not Know

We have no secrets. We tell each other everything,
About the lovers in our past, and why they didn’t last.
We share a cast of characters from A to Z.
We know each other’s fantasies.
And though we know each other better when we explore.
Sometimes I wish,
Often I wish,
That I never, never knew, some of those secrets of yours.

We Have No Secrets   -   Carly Simon  (1972)


I have often pointed out how the media is no longer just biased, but is slinging pure propaganda intended not to inform, but to support leftist narratives and indoctrinate you into their way of thinking. This is not new. It has been going on in media since the beginning of the Republic. What is new is that nearly all of legacy media is stacked up on one side of the political ledger instead of being equally divided. One of the strategies they employ is to hide facts and information that do not fit the narrative they wish to promote. That said, the true information is out there. Here are some things you will not find reported on the “evening news” or the LA Times.

Volcanic Eruption: On January 15, 2022, a huge underwater volcano erupted in the South Pacific. Scientists at NASA and the European Space Agency and other places say this eruption deposited a huge amount of water vapor into the atmosphere, causing warming around the globe that could persist for up to three years. Here is the report from NASA including a cool photo of the eruption.

Seems like pretty big news to me. And, I think they have scientists at space agencies, so I’m not sure this can be labeled as “anti-science.” It got no coverage from the propaganda machines because it does not fit the “climate change” narrative from the left. If this summer’s heat wave was caused by a volcano, asking you to get rid of your gas stove will not help. They can pass a law to ban volcanos, but the earth will not listen.

I’m not suggesting that this volcano information is dispositive about the climate. But it certainly ought to be considered. When we make policy on the basis of selective evidence rather than all evidence, we will make bad policy. That is what the “green” agenda is. Bad policy.

No Labels: This is the upstart centrist political party that has such members as Joe Lieberman, Joe Manchin and Larry Hogan (former Republican governor of Maryland) that is trying to get whoever its nominee for president will be on the ballot in all 50 states. The Democratic parties in most of those states are mounting massive legal efforts to keep them off the ballot in as many states as they can, fearing that the new party will take votes from Biden. Unfortunately, the Democratic party appears to be succeeding. In many cases, they have a Democrat Secretary of State and Governor who will do whatever to keep out competition. Remember, this is the party that is “protecting our democracy.” They are all for protecting democracy, as long as that “democracy” only elects their candidates.

Employee Retention Credit (ERC): Have you heard of this? Have you seen or heard the multiple advertisements all over the place from organizations that will “help” you qualify for and get this credit of many thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars?

This credit was first established as part of the CARES act passed during the lockdowns and signed by President Trump. Long after the lockdowns were over, two bills signed by president Biden greatly expanded the time to claim the ERC, the eligibility rules and the amount of the credit. Last month (July, 2023) the IRS issued $40 billion in refunds under this program. That’s just in one month! That equates to a half trillion a year run rate.  Realize that these are payments for 2020 and 2021 being requested and paid in 2023. And that is fully nine months after the president himself declared the pandemic over. The IRS believes (and I’m sure they are right) that many of the refund requests are fraudulent and they intend to focus audits on recipients of the ERC. Much of the fraud stems from the fact that the law allows “start-ups,” business failures and all manner of non-profits to claim the credit as refundable. That means, these entities don’t ever have to have paid any tax and they can still get a check from the government for pandemic pain. Cha-ching!

There are reports of people taking $30,000 European vacations with the money and other such things. Every dollar sent out by this program will be borrowed and add to the debt. It is this sort of “free money” that is propping up the economy at the moment. You would think that the press would cover this as part of the success of “Bidenomics”. No. It’s bad and they don’t want anyone to know what a cluster it is.

China: From watching the news, you would think China was a big successful place kind of like Germany. From the business news, you get the impression that investing there is similar to investing in Cleveland, except that the prospects for growth are better in China.

The truth is that China has lots of problems. They have problems with demographics, debt, currency and growth just to name a few. There is internal dissention. There is no innovation which requires them to steal technology to do almost anything. Much of what they do is powered with slave labor, which woke corporate America doesn’t want to talk about. Notably, President Xi has only spent a couple of days out of the country in the last 12 months. For the head of a country trying to project influence around the globe, that indicates problems at home.

I am not suggesting that there is nothing to worry about from them. But, we should not cower before the narrative of their greatness and invincibility.

Hostages: The administration “achieved” the release of American hostages in Iran by paying $6 Billion to the Iranians for 5 hostages plus we will release some people they want. So, that money will be used to kill Americans and Jews and enhance their nuclear program and they will capture some more Americans and do it again as long as there is a Democrat in the White House. The media and administration spin that the money will not be used for those purposes. That is unenforceable garbage and an outright lie.

The media cabal wants to keep all of this secret from us. They know it, but don’t report it. And of course, we now know for a fact about a number of stories in the last few years (Biden laptop, Russiagate, etc.) where the NY times, NBC, CNN and other knowingly lied and reported what they knew was false as fact to support the leftist agenda.

But, the truth is out there. The complete facts can be found. It just takes a little work and research.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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